Chat & Connect
Feel supported at each chapter.
From a 365 teacher text service to bonding with like-minded mamas & papas in our Birth Story Community, there’s always a way to keep connected with Birth Story.
24/7 Teacher Text Service
For each couple who joins me for a Birth Story hypnobirth class, you will have direct and exclusive access to ask any questions in regards to bump, birth and labour, and of course, your hypnobirth journey 24/7 365 days a year via text.
Birth Story Facebook Group
Get chatting with fellow mums and dads on our private Birth Story Facebook group. We’ll add you into the group upon joining and you’ll not only get the chance for a supportive natter with like-minded parents-to-be but access to exclusive offers from the Birth Story Collective.
Birth Story – The Next Chapter
What better way to keep the story going! We know how important it is to support mums after birth and combat loneliness. When permitting, we’ll be back around the table for good chat and great coffee with Birth Story mama
If you’d love to start your hypnobirthing journey towards a calm and confident birth I am here to help. Drop me a message below and let’s get chatting…
All About Hypnobirthing
Is hypnobirthing right for me? We reveal all! It’s time to dispel those myths and explore exactly what hypnobirthing is all about and how it can help you have the right birth on the day.
What You'll Learn
From relaxing breathwork for labour to the best positions for birth – let’s take a deeper look into what you’ll be exploring in each class over the life of your Birth Story Hypnobirthing course.
How Do I Get Started?
Not sure how to start your Birth Story? Say hi to Nicola, your Birth Story hypnobirthing instructor. She will explain just how easy it is to get started on your hypnobirthing journey.